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"KOZA" graphical route data editor, a software program developed for the display enables graphical design and positioning of the route text on a personel computer.

In addition to a number of fonts installed, the software allows creation of new font styles.

It is also possible to design shapes with the graphical route data editor. In order to help design the shapes required, characters from all alphabets are made available in the design process.

Number of dots in the display could be defined and a real view that would be seen when displayed on the vehicle could be created on the graphical route data editor.

The files created on the pc program could be uploaded to the control unit and the display panels.

Up to 1000 number of routes could be defined on the panel within the number range 0-999.

For each route, a minimum of 25 intermediate station names could be define if needed.

When an update on the data loaded on the panels is needed, the update could be made on the graphical route data editor and uploaded to the control unit via flash card.


Polaris Elektronik : Since 1993